
Showing posts from May, 2020


    SRI LANKAN NARROW MOUTHED FROG Uperodon taprobanicus CLASSIFICATION Kingdom -Animalia Phylum -Chordata Class-Amphibia Order-Anura Family -Microhylidae Genus- Uperodon Species - Uperodon taprobanicus COMMON NAMES Sri lankan painted frog,Common bullfrog,Sri lankan Kalouta ,Sri lankan bullfrog,Indian painted frog,Sri lankan narrow mouthed frog INTRODUCTION This is an anuran Amphibian of the family Microhylidae.The species listed as 'Least concerning IUCN red data list'. DISTRIBUTION This frogs are distributed in South Asia, Penisular,India,Sri Lanka and Bangladesh . HABITAT Pointed frog is a common semi fossorial,semi arboreal ,nocturnal frog that can be found in wide variety of habitats. They are mostly found in forests, plantations, wetlands, grasslands and open areas that close to human. MORPHOLOGY This frog is a medium sized fog with bright red to orange and grey to brown in colour markings on brownish grey black. Its underside is greyish col


                    COMMON CERULEAN CLASSIFICATION Kingdom - Animalia Phylum -Arthropoda Class-Insecta Order-Lepidoptera Family -Lycaenidae Genus- Jamides Species - Jamides celeno INTRODUCTION   Jamides celeno is a small butterfly that belongs to family Lycaenids .Cerulean is the most widespread member of genus Jamides . Common name- Common Cerulean DISTRIBUTION   Common Cerulean is occuring in Sri Lanka,India,Assam,Burma,Thailand,Malaysia,JavaThaiwan,Philippines,Singapore HABITAT   It can be found in all the habitats. Mostly found at edges of the nature reserves,wastelands,dense forests and also gardens.They can be found in all climatic zones throughout the year. HABIT   It is an active butterfly, but it's flight somewhat weak .They mostly settle on the tip of the leaves. MORPHOLOGY   Normally wingspan of this butterfly is about 30-35mm .Their upper sides of wings are uniform pale and undersides are light brownish grey both in male and female.But


FLAME LILY ( Gloriosa   Superba ) CLASSIFICATION Kingdom-Plantae Division -Spermatophyta Class-Liliopsida Subclass-Lilidae Order-Liliales Family -Liliaceae Genus- Gloriosa Species - Gloriosa superba COMMON  NAMES Glory lily,creeping lily,flame lily,climbing lily INTRODUCTION    Gloriosa superba is a famous plant because of its flame like flower and its poisonous parts.This plant contains high levels of toxic alkaloid colchicine, specially in tubers.These tubers can be fatal to humans and animals. DISTRIBUTION    This plant is native of tropical Asia &Africa.It mostly found in Tropical India,Madagascar,Sri Lanka ,Indo -China.This plant is mostly suitable for shade or sun.It grows naturally in a wide variety of habitats like forests, grasslands.It grows mostly  sandy loam soil in sunny positions. CHARACTERISTICS    Gloriosa superba is a deciduous ,tuberous plant that climbes up to 1.5m tall.Normally it has 1-4 slendar stems.Stems are produced annua